Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Haifa has a Biennale!!!

The Haifa Mediterranean Biennale

The first Haifa Mediterranean Biennale of contemporary art is an international event initiated by Belu-Simion Fainaru the artistic director and curator, and the co-curator Avital Bar-shay. The biennale will be held in downtown Haifa, near the harbor, in the area known as the Harbor Campus.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Graphic Masters II: American Art

Smithsonian exhibition featuring watercolors, pastels, and drawings by artists such as Edward Hopper, Stuart Davis, William H. Johnson, John Steuart Curry, Jacob Lawrence, and Sam Francis. From a 1937 black & white, pen and ink, drawing by Isabel Bishop showing a man playing cards, to a 1951 abstract by David Smith that suggests a tropical jungle in vibrant green and yellow, to Andrew Wyeth's watercolor representation of a field in winter, November 1st, 1950, there are bound to be at least a few places and things you have never seen on your computer before. There's also a Stuart Davis' bright watercolor, Abstraction, 1937; a conte crayon self portrait by John Steuart Curry from 1928, and Edward Hopper's landscape, White River at Sharon, 1937.